Angel Carter
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Angel Carter
Hey guys..i hope u like this.. i want to thank angel carter crazy for some of the pics!

Full Name: Angel Charissma Carter
Nick Names: Ang, Angelina, Angie, Sweetheart, Sweets, Babs
Birthday: Monday - December 7, 1987 - 8:01AM
Age: 14 years old
Current Residence: Marathon, Florida, USA
Astrological Sign: Sagittauris
Place Of Brith: Tampa Bay General Hospital [Tampa Bay, Florida, USA]
Weight At Birth 7 pounds, 11 ounces [Angel and fraternal twin, Aaron, both weighed the same and broke a record for being the biggest twins to be born at the Tampa Bay General Hospital. The record has since been broken.]
Height: About 5'6"
Hair: Dark Brown [Has died it blonde in the past], long
Eye Color: Brown
Hobbies: Talking on the phone, modeling, swimming, boating, soccer
Parents: Father - Robert Gene Carter [Bob], Mother - Jane E. Spaulding Carter
Siblings: Sister - Bobbie Jean Carter [BJ], Sister - Leslie Barbara Carter, Brother - Nickolas Gene Carter [Nick], Brother - Aaron Charles Carter, Half-Sister - Virginia [Ginger]